Saturday, November 26, 2016

To Be A Doctor Or A Programmer? That is The Question

Nowadays I am recieving a lot of mail from doctors and medical students who are torn between their love for programming and medicine. Some of them are already doctors but they want to pursue their interests. In my opinion, it is best to pursue what you love most. What makes you happy? You should pursue your passion!
But today, I just want to highlight why physicians should learn how to code. I came accross this interesting article written by Pieter L. Kubben, "Why physicians might want to learn computer programming"
So why learn programming as a doctor? First of all, it is fun. Being a programmer makes you creative and you are able to solve puzzling problems. Second, programming will help you boost your career. If you program as a doctor, you only prove your ability to transform your ideas into results. Also, expect that our future will mostly depend on information technology, so as doctors, we have complete control of technology in our hands and not just rely on some technical people to do stuff for us. Though we may be busy with clinical practice, yet we have to talk to technical people and we need to speak their language and understand their concepts.
Fourth, learning programming can transform you into a very interesting person. From web development to app development-- all of these can make you appear interesting to a lot of people. You can sell your apps if you want but just keep in mind that some people may not use your app. You can actually turn this into a business idea if you like. You need not hire some programmer who will only mess things for you. As doctors we are already content masters and we just need to have these content published and get the word out so we need to write code. Content and code are a good combination and its not impossible to learn how to code with all those free online courses!
If you are now on the road to programming, don't stop now. Carry on your passion! Live a life of no regrets. Pursue what you love, so that you don't have to complain later on that "I should have done this, I should have done that." Do what you love and stand up for your character.

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